Jumat, 23 Januari 2009

"public and private partnerships to produce cooperatives"

Intellectual Property Development


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  1. The cooperative planner for Public and Private Partnerships | Facebook

    22 Nov 2008 ... The cooperative planner for Public and Private Partnerships ... to producenew infrastructure. ....... if I can open the R&D market between ...
    mit.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=4872193705&topic=6021 - 21k - Cached - Similar pages
  2. Publicprivate partnerships and collective action in high value ...

    20 Nov 2008 ... Although the concept of publicprivate partnership does not have a single definition, the term is used in this paper to mean a cooperative ...
    linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0306919208000778 - Similar pages
    by C Narrod - 2008
  3. Public-Private Partnership

    Public-Private Partnership Committee - Self-Help Cooperative Organisations ... toproduce but face difficulty in accessing the resources of public and ...
    www.pddp.org.np/pub/ar99/ppp.htm - 49k - Cached - Similar pages
  4. [PDF] 

    Public Private Partnership projects of the GTZ in Ethiopia

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    3 Jun 2005 ... Selected staff in the cooperatives will also be trained for the ... In the long term, GTZ aims to make public-private partnerships a ...
    www.deutsch-aethiopischer-verein.de/PPPs%20in%20Ethiopia_Aregash_050305.pdf -Similar pages
    by A Asfaw - Cited by 1 - Related articles
  5. [PDF] 

    Public and Private Partnership.qxd

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    2003,merged into one entity,the National People’s Cooperative Bank ... System, Goat Rearing,Water Tanks, Marketing of farm produce and other ...
    www.mof.gov.jm/downloads/2007/dim/GoJDevInvestVol07Sect08.pdf - Similar pages
  6. Unprecedented Public/Private Partnership LaunchesStatewide Fresh ...

    Unprecedented Public/Private Partnership LaunchesStatewide Fresh Produce Delivery ...In the cooperative Texas Fresh Approach program developed by the Texas ...
    www.allbusiness.com/food-beverage/food-industry/6586811-1.html - 63k -Cached - Similar pages
  7. [PDF] 

    Water Quality Monitoring in the San Joaquin River Region: 2006 ...

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    Initiation of a public-private partnership to produce comprehensive water quality ..... the award and administration of Water Quality Cooperative Agreements ...
    www.epa.gov/region09/funding/pdfs/san-joaquin-wq-06.pdf - Similar pages
  8. [PDF] 

    Co-operatives and the Public Service - New partnerships for ...

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    Co-operatives and the Public Service - New partnerships for Changing Times. By Lynne Toupin and John Julian. This year the Canadian Co-operative Association ...
    www.ppforum.ca/common/assets/publications/en/cooperatives%20and%20the%20public%20service.pdf - Similar pages
  9. [PDF] 

    Public & Private Partnerships

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    inter-agency cooperative projects. The most innovative example is the Twin Cities Police ...Public/private partnerships in development can take many forms . ...
    www.ci.larkspur.ca.us/2050-Public-PrivatePartnerships.pdf - Similar pages
  10. [PDF] 

    Public Private Partnership (PPP) Approach – for sustainable ...

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    cooperatives. ♦. Individual farmer. Commodity Exchanges. APMCs. ♦. Private Individual. Investor. ♦. Corporate Bodies. Proposed Public Private Partnership ...
    dspace.iimk.ac.in/bitstream/2259/435/1/21-28+.pdf - Similar pages
    by A Patel - 2007

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